Archive for the ‘emotion’ Category

      The importance of knowledge to the life of ones spirit is in view, today, along with more on emotion and feeling as aspects of Christian belief. The “Yahoo! Answers” Top Contributor using ID “daughtereponymous“” (Level 7 with 30,497 points, a member since May 18, 2010) posted the following:

Spiritually dead or alive which are you ? Hosea 4:6 many are destroyed for lack of knowledge do you have it ?

THE BATTLE AXE: Emotional Appeal? (04/02/2013)—(6.) The foolish opinion that Christian belief, and religion in general, are unmanly weaknesses because they encourage emotion and feeling, and therefore, should be left strictly to women and children is not put forth by the holy spirit from GOD. Conviction and faith identify every true champion, defender, godly leader, and righteous warrior. (7.) For mature Christian believers, choices and decisions are guided and organized by faith, law and such divine spirit substance as holiness, humility, righteousness, wisdom and wrath against sin. The instability of feeling, intelligence, logic, reason and self-will are replaced by frameworks of duty, sacred expectation (i.e., hope) and obedience. (8.) Even through science, human feelings are accounted as unreliable and untrustworthy. A person may control how they express or suppress their feelings; yet, when feelings will appear and the level of strength for ones feelings cannot be pre-determined, predicted, or repeated in exact detail. Also, there are no accurate and precise instruments to measure the power of feelings. For Christians, the better Rock whereupon we may build strong belief and understanding has proven to be divine doctrine, holy teachings, and an unchanging sacred spirit. (9.) In Christ, peace is not dull, lacking in energy, or having no excitement. The peace of GOD is said to “pass understanding” partly because his peace appears in the midst of struggle and turmoil. Divine peace shines against what appear to be the opposites of peace, and supplies great clarity, confidence, devotion, focus, purpose, serenity, strength, and zeal. (10.) GOD is love; however, GOD is more than human emotion and feeling. As divinity and pure existence—without dimension, form or number, yet having effect, person, presence, purpose, and substance—GOD is the origin of all being and life; and is fully capable of relationship with created beings and living creatures. Saying this more simply: GOD is a spirit; and we must worship him in spirit and in truth. See Psalms 31: 1-24, John 4: 24 and 1st John 4: 6-16, King James Version.

THE GOLDEN ARROW: If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it. If ye love me, keep my commandments. And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also. At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you. (John 14: 14-20, KJV)

THE DOUBLE DAGGER: GOD Hiding in Plain Sight (03/26/2013); The Spirit and Pentecost (03/27/2013); Science and the Laws of Nature (03/23/2013); How To Love GOD? (03/24/2013); Bad Knowledge? (02/05/2011); Divine Evil? (02/06/2011)

      Dear “daughtereponymous”:

      Here are some thoughts that may be useful to you and your readers. 
(1.) Life and death for ones inner being depends upon their content (we say, “anointing” or “endowment”) of sacred substance from the makeup of Divine Person. The imparted, indwelling spirit of Christ makes “alive” to GOD, while dead to sin.

(2.) Such features as faith, holiness, longsuffering, love, wisdom and wrath against sin are permanent and unchanging aspects of divinity.

(3.) Secular knowledge (we also say “intelligence” and “science”), logic and reason are not spirit matter, and cannot increase, nourish or strengthen the divine nature within humankind. Similarly, emotion, feeling, and imagination that are vital to distinction as human persons, do not ensure the survival of ones inner spirit derived from GOD. Sacred knowledge must be continually received, internalized, and applied in carnal, material and social settings.

(4.) Sacred knowledge may begin with commandments and divine law; however, because the scale for grasp of life from GOD is cosmic, embracing the universe, ones knowledge must also embrace a broad range of sacred operations, spiritual processes, and eternal purposes.

      There is far more to be said, correctly applied, and spiritually apprehended. (For example, (5.) The mystery (special knowledge from GOD) once available only to the sons of Adam initiated in covenant as heirs to priesthood is now being shared as open revelation. Nonetheless, it continues that many are called, and few are chosen. See Isaiah 41: 8-10, 1st Peter 2: 5-10 and Revelation 17: 13-14, KJV.) Even so, I trust this fragment will be useful. Be it unto you according to your faith.

Washington, DC

      The proper focus for celebrating Christmas and our “holy” days is considered. Also, there is more on whether Jesus knew he would be resurrected after crucifixion. The “Yahoo Answers” writer using ID “Sheila” (a Level 5 Top Contributor with 6,473 points, and member since April 24, 2009) posted the following:

Will you be seeing the true miracle of Christmas this year as you look into the eyes of your own children?

Will you shed a tear of gratitude?
Are you getting a magic feeling welling up within your heart?
If you don’t have kids … will you feel nostalgic memories about your own childhood?
Don’t you all agree that the true miracle of Christmas is the love that we all share?

THE BATTLE AXE: Did Jesus Know? (12/22/2012)—Jesus was not born with supernatural knowledge of human events, an ability to predict the future, or skill to read the hearts, minds and thoughts of others. He quickly gained knowledge and understanding of what must be the course for his own life through attending synagogue and convocations at the Temple in Jerusalem, the careful instruction of Mary and Joseph, his own study of the holy writings, private prayer, and disciplined reflection. The anointing Jesus received at the Jordan River that was witnessed by John the Baptist, ripened the many seeds of sacred truth that had been planted up to that time; and the forty days and nights of fasting and prayer in the wilderness finished Jesus’ preparation for prophetic ministry. In addition to discernment and insight into human error, human nature, and the human predicament, Jesus received an endowment of divine truth, and assurance of his legitimacy as son of Man, Son of GOD, and the One Sent. Being encouraged by the account of Abraham Isaac, and the deliverance granted at Mount Moriah, Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane that he would not have to endure the crucifixion, or that it could be delayed. When he signaled his consent and reconciliation to the Father saying, thy will be done, he was also appropriating the “sure mercies of David,” that GOD’s holy one would not see corruption (Matthew 26: 42 and Acts 13: 26-39, KJV).

THE GOLDEN ARROW: Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world: But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father. Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ. (Galatians 4: 3-7, KJV)

THE DOUBLE DAGGER: A Slaughter of Innocents (12/15/2012); Signs of Messianic Belief? (12/16/2012); Holiday Displays? (12/07/2012); An Attack Upon Creation? (12/08/2012); The Glory Of The Lord (12/25/2012); Girdle 39: The Foolish Things (12/24/2011); Annual Feasts (12/29/2010); Lord of Sabbath (12/25/2010); The Wise Men? (12/21/2010); Melchizedek? (12/22/2010)

      The appearance of GOD in flesh, dependent, and vulnerable among men is the miracle of Christmas. However, because many only look to carnal and material reality for truth, the holidays are no longer “holy” days. Focus upon almsgiving, charities, children, family, or volunteering service anchor ones concentration in acquisition, self-promotion, and self-satisfaction. As mature Christian believers our eyes are drawn to the many things of “spirit” that make divinity known to us. Included are adoption, birth, death, faith, forgiveness, Incarnation, divine law, longsuffering, rebirth, prophecy, and revelation.

      While our children are precious, and bring great beauty and excitement into our lives in the holiday seasons, our emotions and feelings for one another and for them are not in the nature of miracle. Our emotional changes are continuing elements in daily experience and routines that serve as deep and abiding aspects of our bond to life. Boundless and unchanging divine purpose must come into view, and so, the miracle of Christmas that human awareness should embrace also proclaims Creation, judgment, sanctification, salvation, resurrection, and eternal life.
      There is far more to be said, correctly applied, and spiritually apprehended. (For example, miraculous events leave deposits, footprints and residues of divine substance. The miracle of Christmas provides content that exists only within the fullness of divine person, and may be imparted to mankind as sacred gifts. Included are holy boldness, faith, joy, holiness, hope, humility, righteousness, truth, wisdom and wrath against sin.) Even so, I trust this fragment will be useful. Be it unto you according to your faith.

Washington, DC

     The importance of courage to ones Christian walk, and more on family and romance are topics, today.  The “Yahoo! Answers” writer using the ID “Ryan M” (Level 1 with 125 points, a member since January 30, 2007) posted the following:

Why is courage so important in a Christ-follower’s life?

THE BATTLE AXE:  Family and Romance? (10/13/2012)—Family as a social institution used by men is not the same as family when used as a divine spiritual tool.  Issues we now know as incest, property rights, and sibling rivalry were not known during Adam’s lifetime.  Thus, the account of Abel slain by his brother Cain actually centers on the acceptable models of priesthood and sacrifice provided from heaven for the earth, and to all mankind.  Today, in the United States, most communities provide children and family courts to resolve the many conflicts, and disputes that occur among those bound together through blood and law.  Earlier, order and structure within families as well as among and between families was on the basis of individual skills, animal instinct, and personal power, rather than mechanisms for impartiality such as courts and law.  Many continue to practice the “old ways,” however they encounter increasing opposition.  Among Christian believers, such scriptural and unwritten rules continue to be observed, including (1) all  must encourage, and nourish the integrity and soundness of body, mind and spirit for every member of the family as for themselves; (2) just as sexual intimacy is forbidden, and the “privacy” of others are to be protected, violence against ones parents, brothers, sisters and other family is outlawed; (3) none will hinder, meddle with or oppress other family members to block their success, deny their faith, suppress their spiritual growth, or cut off fulfillment of their chosen duties; and (4) one may become distanced from family through time and space, however, the bond is to be respected by all as unbreakable even by death.  The spirit content of blood is being and life. The spirit content of law is divine will and truth.  The spirit content of marriage is union.  Just as all are made free from sin by death, all are made free from marriage, law, family and commitment.  Through the mechanisms of duty and inheritance, the bond of family continues in effect, transcending blood and law, and is anchored in shared truth.

THE GOLDEN ARROW:  Hide not thy face far from me; put not thy servant away in anger: thou hast been my help; leave me not, neither forsake me, O God of my salvation.  When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take me up.  Teach me thy way, O LORD, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies.  Deliver me not over unto the will of mine enemies:  for false witnesses are risen up against me, and such as breathe out cruelty.  I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.  Wait on the LORD:  be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart:  wait, I say, on the LORD.  (Psalms 27:  9-14, King James Version)

THE DOUBLE DAGGER:  The Spirit by Measure (09/22/2012); On Being Careful (02/13/2012); Grounded In Love (12/13/2011); About Zeal (02/17/2011); Awesomeness? (12/19/2010); Born With Sin? (12/20/2010)

Here are some thoughts shared among mature Christian believers:
For many “courage” means a state of emotion where one does not feel anxiety, fear, nervousness or worry.  Apprehension is not present, where one anticipates damage, disgrace, loss, or pain; and so, one feels free and uninhibited when approaching duty, or life challenges and problems.  As an emotion, courage is temporal; it only lasts for a time; and it comes and goes.  For those just beginning to investigate and learn the things of GOD through Christ, courage is necessary as a form of strength that fosters dialogue, learning and reflection.  Many questions must be posed, and one must be willing to expose the depth of their own beliefs and understandings.

For the believer who has been reborn through baptism, the need is not for courage and emotion; instead, there must be “holy boldness,” balance, and “fear of the Lord.”  Like faith, joy, humility and wrath against sin, holy boldness is a content of divine being (sometimes we say “divine DNA), and is inseparable from other sacred substance such as holiness, righteousness, truth and wisdom.  The imparted, indwelling Spirit from GOD must be present that makes possible a believers approach and entrance into the Divine Presence.

“Fear of the Lord” is reverence, right respect, and the correct awareness of GOD called “awe”.  Access to GOD begins with things that are impersonal and remote such as doctrine, law, proclamation and Scripture.  Needed strength to approach sovereign truths that are invisible and otherwise unknown are supplied through the ministry of Jesus, that equip and prepare believers for personal experiences of GOD, including healing, prayer, and prophetic visions.

There is far more to be said, correctly applied, and spiritually apprehended.  (For example, “the fearful” (also called “cowards”) are classed with idolaters, murderers, sorcerers, whoremongers, the unbelieving, and all liars (see Revelation 21:  7-8, KJV).  Christian belief is not a matter of “gambling” or foolish risk-taking; however, there are many unseen attackers and unexpected enemies, a darkness that opposes spiritual growth, that may be described as “facing the unknown”.)  Even so, I trust this fragment will be useful.  Be it unto you according to your faith.

Washington, DC