Archive for the ‘administrators’ Category

      A staff member’s concerns for enrollment ages of children within a church Sunday School program are the topic, today. Also, there is more on why the early church of Jesus Christ cannot be viewed as a socialist commune. A “Yahoo Answers” writer using ID “Brea” (Level 3 with 1,264 points, a member since May 17, 2012) posted the following:

Teacher With Children’s Church Problem?

Children’s Church Problem. I am the teacher for Children’s Church during our Sunday morning services. The age group is K – 5th and the parents decide when they want them to start to sit in church or if they want them to join Children’s Church younger than 5. For over 3 years we’ve had this age range and all of a sudden I’m being told that the church is now writing a policy for Children’s Church and that any child older than 6 will not be allowed. I was never consulted nor do the people making the policy know anything about Children’s Church. I told my preacher that the age was up to the parents and not him, me, or the policy makers….he said it was up to him and the policy makers. He basically took the decision away from the parents. So question, I feel like this is wrong….Should I fight it? I know it will hurt my kid’s feeling to be told no. My thing is that no kid who want to come to Children’s Church and learn about God should be turned away no matter what the age or policy.

Additional Details

Maybe I should add this: They want to change the age to 4-6 year olds only. They want 7 and up to sit in the sanctuary. There will not be another program for the older kids, we only have about 15 and maybe 6 on a given Sunday. We also don’t have anything else going on for kids at our church besides Sunday School which most of my kids don’t go to.

THE BATTLE AXE: My Brother’s Keeper? (04/05/2013)—(6.) Appetite, covetousness, desire, lust, pride and showing-off generate continual conflict both among, and within created beings and living creatures. Through the active presence, gifts, and operation of the Holy Spirit, the early church accomplished a Christ-like level of dutifulness, faithfulness, giving, joy, longsuffering, love, sacrifice, trust, and unselfishness that was to be an example for all mankind. The divine nature fosters approval instead of rejection, compassion instead of cruelty, cooperation instead of competition, mutual acceptance and unity instead of division and separation, eternal life rather than the second death. (7.) In the modern world, the church must be strong not only to overcome the effects of cultural and political persecution. Believers also must continue in constant vigilance to avoid the widespread criminal exploitation that comes against those who pursue innocence, nonviolence, purity and truth. Many mock believers for waiving their “rights” as gun owners; however, government by GOD has not promoted fear, debilitating poverty, spiritual confusion, unmanliness, or weakness. (8.) Fear of poverty is a deeply ingrained psychological condition that relates to animal instinct in mankind as well as to hidden fears of famine, shortage and starvation. Contentment is the true prosperity for the church: being free of anxiety about what one does have, free of care about what one does not have, and free of envy as to what others may have. (9.) While there have been instances of congregations abused by wicked clergymen who presume upon believers, extorting their funds, confiscating their belongings and property, and using them with contempt as no more than a “cash cow,” the genuine leaders of the church are discerned and recognized by their generosity, humility, simplicity, transparency, and truthfulness. Under the influence of sin, many claim to be justified when being destructive and vicious on behalf of family, and loved ones. Nonetheless, within the church of Jesus Christ, every believer may declare with conviction that no man has anything in this world (wife, children, houses, land) he would be willing—by cheating, deception, lying, stealing, and violence—to go to hell to get, or to possess. See James 4: 1-4, Hebrews 10: 31-38, 1st Timothy 6: 3-10 and 17-19, King James Version.

THE GOLDEN ARROW: I will open my mouth in a parable: I will utter dark sayings of old: Which we have heard and known, and our fathers have told us. We will not hide them from their children, shewing to the generation to come the praises of the LORD, and his strength, and his wonderful works that he hath done. For he established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers, that they should make them known to their children: That the generation to come might know them, even the children which should be born; who should arise and declare them to their children: That they might set their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments: And might not be as their fathers, a stubborn and rebellious generation; a generation that set not their heart aright, and whose spirit was not stedfast with God. (Psalms 78: 2-8, KJV)

THE DOUBLE DAGGER: GOD in Schools? (12/20/2012); Naaman the Leper (12/21/2012); The Gospel not Logical? (09/16/2012); Unwelcome Gifts? (09/17/2013); Some To Rule? (03/31/2012); Girdle 45: I Have Left Me 7,000 (01/01/2012); Teen Believers? (10/07/2010); Foiled Again (10/08/2010); Binder 32: Those Yet Unsaved (10/29/2011)

      Brea, here are some points from a mature Christian believer to consider after your prayers:

(1.) Conflicts between teachers and school officials are not unusual, even in the setting of a church congregation. Because teachers have direct contact with parents and their children, they often feel best qualified to determine the most useful activities, approaches, materials, lesson plans, and techniques for evaluation of their students. In general, we say the teaching staff seeks “freedom;” and this is called “classroom autonomy.” When challenged by those having other levels of authority, teachers mistakenly may respond as if the legitimacy of their faith and salvation are at question. Unless there is continuing, shared prayer and open communication among program administrators and staff, ambition, pride and showing-off will produce no more than “glorified baby-sitting.”

(2.) In such church settings as Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Day Care and Cradle Roll, believers are often chosen to serve as child caretakers, disciplinarians, and nurturing persons, not to serve as teachers fitted to the task on the basis of their experience as professional educators, or spiritual guides. With small children (and often adults), there is a great need for affective training that molds or shapes the expression of emotions and feelings. Academic discussion, logic and reasoning are not regarded as the best tools for imparting such spirit content as alertness, dutifulness, faithfulness, forgiveness, love, meekness, wisdom, and wrath against sin.

(3.) Spiritual teachers are developed through spiritual challenges. They must first overcome much opposition to their sacred commitment, and against their own still developing faith. Many seek to do this as “an experiment” or through “OJT” (on-the-job-training). Humility, longsuffering, obedience, patience and trust from the Holy Spirit describe the spirit substance of the best candidates for church school staff members. See again 1st Timothy 3: 1-16, KJV.

(4.) In most assemblies, the issues of age and inclusion have been argued and tested for long periods. Here, in the United States, the age of accountability—when a child may begin to make decisions for their own participation in the ordinances of the church body as a full and equal member, including baptism, confirmation and giving donations or tithes—varies from 8 to 18. Failing to see the “bigger picture,” parents and teachers may not readily endorse what, in fact, our sound ideas for their own local congregation.
     There is far more to be said, correctly applied, and spiritually apprehended. (For example, (5.) The problem for the Children’s School should not be taken as a personal problem. Be prepared to yield, rather than fight against this or that. We only win the struggle for souls where its understood, they already belong to GOD through Jesus Christ, not by our private efforts. There are many other ways you may serve the congregation and honor the Lord. Having respectfully expressed your concerns, put all in the hands of GOD. Leave that particular program, rather than nourish a root of bitterness.) Even so, I trust this fragment will be useful. Be it unto you according to your faith.

Washington, DC