Posts Tagged ‘Peter’

A few points are shared, today, that focus on hierarchy and order as tools within the church founded by Jesus Christ.  Also, there is more on the earth made new, and life following judgment.  John Michael Talbot, the Franciscan monk and motivational minister, with whom I feel a strong bond after many years of embracing his music ministry, shared an article through the Facebook Internet site that provoked in me a powerful pulse of Protestant sentiment, and feeling against an office of Pope to rule over the body of believers.  Specifically, I reacted when I read the following that was posted by the itinerant pastor:


Christ the Lord passed on to his apostles the task he had received from the Father: I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations. He wanted the apostles as a body to be intimately bound together, first by the inner tie of the same faith and love which flows into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, and, second, by the external tie of authority exercised by one apostle over the others. For this he assigned the primacy to Peter, the source and visible basis of their unity for all time. So that the unity and agreement among them would endure, God wisely stamped them, one might say, with the mark of holiness and martyrdom.  (From an excerpt of the Encyclical Letter Ecclesiam Dei by Pope Pius XI  (AAS 15 [1923], 573-582)


THE BATTLE AXE:  (11/13/2013) The Earth Made New—The soil and waters of the earth made new will be fertile and pure, without blood, without bones, having power for life, and containing no dead things.  Mankind will be fed with the yield of the earth as at the beginning; fruits and green herbs of the field will grace every table.  There will be nations, however, cities as we have now will not exist.  Every family will live and work in their own lands as independent artisans, craft workers, and farmers.  Learning and scholarship will continue in the home and larger community assemblies as will devotion, prayer, spiritual studies, and worship.  There will be no economy of borrowing, lending and indebtedness.  The giving of gifts, offerings, tithes and sacrifices to appease GOD will not appear.  Yet, like the praise of the twenty-and four elders who cast their crowns to Christ, tears of joy with tokens of gratitude and love will be continue to be brought before the Almighty throughout all eternity.  There will be access to GOD at all times, and all seasons.  See Genesis 8:  20-22, Isaiah 66:  22-23, Isaiah 65:  17-25; Revelation 21:  21-27, King James Version.


THE GOLDEN ARROW:  But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them.  But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister;  And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant:  Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.  (Matthew 20:  25-28, KJV)


THE DOUBLE DAGGER:  Utterance is Spirit (09/08/2013); The “Jesus Way”? (05/17/2013); When GOD Controls (04/22/2013); The Divine Use of a Human Life? (04/23/2013); Confessing Only to GOD? (04/08/2013); Evidence of the Unseen Spirit? (04/09/2013); On Titles and Respect (03/15/2013); On Producing Atheists (03/16/2013); My Sheep Hear My Voice (03/08/2013); Wanting To Have Our Way (03/09/2013); Why A “Spokesperson”? (01/14/2013); No Contradictions (01/15/2013)


The related issues of authority and primacy of the apostles must also be viewed through the framework for prophecy as distinct from priesthood.  Both priesthood and prophecy are first recorded in the Bible when the Scriptures speak of Adam’s disobedience and the divine provisions for mankind’s recovery from death (see Genesis 3:  1-24, Romans 5:  12-21 and 1st Corinthians 15:  21-23, KJV).  Hierarchy may be seen introduced where the first male and female are commanded by the Creator to exercise dominion over the earth as caretakers (a mother and a father) to maintain the Garden of Eden.

All believers and followers of Jesus Christ should understand that divine authority and governance have always been revealed and made visible through divisions of labor, diversity, the scope of ones spiritual anointing and endowment, and varying levels of inclusion for sacred events.  Ranks for administration are in place among the holy angels in heaven as well as upon the earth through dominions, thrones, and principalities.  Even so, the angels have no line authority over men in the ministry of Jesus to mankind (see Colossians 1:  16, Romans 8:  34-39 and Revelation 19:  9-10, KJV).

Those who left Egypt with Moses, repeatedly challenged, yet could not counterfeit or manipulate, the office of prophet as they did the office of priest filled by Aaron, his brother.  As demonstrated by Moses, the office of prophet continued the personal relationships of GOD with mankind seen with Adam, Enoch, Noah, and Abraham (called, the Friend of GOD).  Moses presented GOD through the imparted, indwelling Spirit of Prophecy (also called the Comforter, the Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth) as the only authority over any prophet.  Even so, students of Scripture are often surprised to see, in addition to reports of prophets chastising kings, prophets condemning corruption practiced by the priesthood, and teachings against false prophets, reports of conflicts among prophets are also recorded (for examples, see 1st Samuel 2:  27-35, 1st Kings 13:  1-34, 1st Kings 22:  1-28, and Malachi 1:  6-14, KJV).

As was done by Moses, Jesus also proclaimed a personal relationship with GOD, and was vigorously opposed by the priesthood at Jerusalem, and those in the Temple traditions.  Jesus acknowledged his place as Master, and instructed his disciples to exalt no man upon the earth above GOD as sovereign and spiritual Father (see Matthew 23:  1-12 and John 13:  13, KJV).

The early church received the tradition as prophets from Jesus Christ; and the office of apostle displayed a personal relationship with GOD through Christ that those of the Temple refused to endorse.  Believers in Jesus have been challenged by the writings of the Apostle Paul to accept offices and rankings within the church.  Following the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, prophecy as a gift, not as an office, appeared throughout the early church.  For many, the appointment of a presbytery of bishops (also called elders) and deacons was more in line with management tools used by the world that do not establish or operate as does a hierarchy described by spiritual gifts (see 1st Corinthians 12:  27-31 and Ephesians 4:  11-13, KJV).  Much of the confusion regarding the singularity of the Pope may be traced to the need for broader awareness regarding the Spirit of Prophecy, divine authority through the Spirit, and the appearing and proper place of the Holy Spirit within the church, today (see Revelation 22:  8-13, KJV).

There is far more to be said, correctly applied, and spiritually understood.  Even so, I trust this fragment will be useful.  Be it unto you according to your faith.  Jesus is coming soon, and whatever our level of participation in ministry and service may be, all who receive his salvation are to continue in humility, and to grow in grace until that very hour.

Washington, DC


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